Column XLIII

The Great Isaiah Scroll 51:13 to 53:12

For the line by line translation of this page click here

Physical Characteristics:

This is the 3rd and last page on the 13th strip of leather that makes up the scroll. Although the seam is in fair condition with good stitching, the seam is marred by surface discoloration that has obscured only the last word in line 22.. There are two small rips in the bottom margin. Otherwise the page is in very good condition.
There is a flaw in the surface of the leather of the scroll about 1/8th inch wide which extends from the right margin of line 28 diagonally downward through line 30. The flaw appears to have been there before the writing of the scroll. There is a gap between the 1st and 2nd words in line 28 which appears as a spatium but is the result of the scribe skipping over the original flaw in the surface of the leather. This flaw was not skipped in the next line and results in sight distortion of the letters in the flaw; also a wider gap between the pe and nun.

Paragraphs and Spatiums

New paragraphs begin in line 2 = 51:14; and line 3: = 51:15; and line 6 = 51 17; and line 22; = 52: 7 which is also marked by a new section marking in the margin. The most interesting spatium is in line 14 where it is the only sign of the beginning of chapter 22 in mid verse. Other spatiums mark the beginning of current verses: line 10: = 51:21; and line 11 = 51:22 and line 16 = 52;2; and line 17: = 52:3; and line 27: = 52:11.

Editorial marks:

The horizontal mark in line 5 ends the section that was initially marked in line 22 of the preceding page setting off 51:7 to 16 as an important section. The "derby hat" symbol shows 52:7 as beginning a new division.

Editorial additions to the text:

An article "he" is added between the line to correct the text in the 4th word of line 9 making (and the sword) agree with M. In the next line a waw is unneeded but added to the 3rd word. Line 15: Zion was left out of the text and added above the line as the 2nd word. A "scratch out" or overwrite correction is made in the first word of line 12.

Q Scribal Spelling:

The addition of yod to 2fs suffixes and sufformatives (see notes under variations lines 6 and 8 below) and the addition of "he" to suffixes and preformatives is continued on this page. See line 17 next to last word for an example of "he" added to 3mpl suf "tem" making "temah." The spelling of "kem" 2mpl suf is continued as "kemah" as seen in line 29: 3rd and 5th words. There are several omissions of aleph in words which require it and one addition of aleph where it is not suitable. Notice the spelling of the 3rd word in line 21. The spelling of "kiy" is discussed under variations note under vs 17 below.

Variations in Q from the Masoretic Text:

Line 2: 2nd word: Q = "tsarah" part m.s (the one sorrowing or straitened) and M = "tso 'eh" part. (captive)
Line 3: 1st and last words: Q = waw conj which is present in M is absent in Q.
Line 4: last word: Q = " 'amiy' " (my people) with an aleph appended to the word.
Line 6: 6th word: Q = a good example of Q scribe adding a yod to 2fs sufformative to distinguish it from 2ms..See it also in line 7: 5th word "shatitiy." But the yod is not added to the following word (7: 6th) and in M the usual schva is not in these forms. see also line 8: 9th word notes below and the last word in line 8: but to see that this is not always consistent see the 9th line: 6th word: see also next to last word in line 13 9th word: Q = "leka" to you and M = "lah" to her.
Line 8: 8th word: Q = "hemah" 3mpl pronoun (these) and M = "henah" 3fpl pronoun (these). 9th word: Q = another example of adding yod to 2fs suf to distinguish it from masc.
Line 10: 2nd word: Q = a misspelling. "ke-tho' " (as a bull) lacks final aleph.
Line 11: 3rd word: Q lacks conj waw found in M. Last word: Q = adds unneeded aleph to the end of " 'amo' " (his people).
Line 12: 1st word: Q = what appears to be an attempt to over write a mis-stroke. A final "he" is written over what may have been a nun.
Line 13: 1st word: Q = waw 3ms suf and M = "he" 3fs suf. 6th word: Q = an extra word not found in M. "u-me'anayik" conj + 5th stem part. mpl + suf 2fs (and those making you bow down) . This identical form is found in Isa 60: 14. See page 49:Line 17: 5th and 6th words. The Q scribe attempted the word in the 5th but mis-spelled it and scratched it out and wrote the same form where it means "cause you to bow down" in the 6th word.
Line 15: 1st word: Q = " 'uzo" noun + suf 3ms (his strength) and M = " 'uzzek" noun + suf 2fs (your strength).
Line `16: 2nd word: Q = 2nd word which is found in M word is missing = " 'od" (yet or ever etc) next to last word: Q = agree with M kituv.
Line 17: 1st word: Q = misspelling with aleph missing as 3rd letter.
Line 19: 1st word: Q = "shamah" (to there) and M = "sham" (there). 6th, 7th and 8th words: Q = agree with M qerey not kituv. 3rd from last word: notice in Q that "kiy" is written without the aleph which is uncharacteristic of much of the mid section of the scroll.. See this again in the 4th word of line 21. But written with aleph in line 25: 3rd word and line 28: 5th word and line 29: 1st word.
Line 20: 2nd word: Q = agree with M kituv not qerey. 3rd word: Q = 1st letter waw cj. and M = 1st let. yod of imp 3ms.
Line 22: 7th and 9th words: Q = These words are transpositioned, one for the other in this verse. Swap their positions and the verse reads as M.
Line 23: 3rd from last word: Q = "qolam" (their voice) and M = "qol" (voice).
Line 24: 8th word: Q = an extra word added to the end of vs 8 (when the Lord shall return Zion) "berechamiym" (in compassion.) 2nd from last word: Q = "ronah" fem part (singing) and M = "rannu" imperative mpl (sing).
Line 25: 7th word: Q = "yig'al" imp 3ms (he will redeem) and M = "ga'al" (he has redeemed).
Line 27: 6th word: Q = "mi-shamah" and M = "mi-sham" (from there) 7th word: Q = "be-timah" and M = "tim'a" (unclean). Q adds a prep "in" and writes final "he" for aleph which is a common mistake in Q.
Lines 29 and 30: last 2 words: Q adds the last 4 words of this verse which are not found in M. They are "He shall be called God of all the earth."

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